A&P 2
Lab Manual


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Lab Report Instructions

You will need to be sure that you have the LAB MANUAL CD. You will need to purchase the LAB MANUAL CD as directed in the syllabus.The lab manual is updated and changed each semester to be sure that the links are active. New content is also added each semester. You will not be able to use an outdated lab manual CD and you will not receive credit for your submitted work. A reminder that the LAB MANUAL CD and the LECTURE CD are different products. We have sent to your home address the LECTURE CD which contains the PowerPoint Lectures only. You must purchase the LAB MANUAL CD which contains all of the labs for the course.

 All 12 labs must be completed in order to receive a grade for the course. Incomplete labs or labs not attempted will not receive a grade. Each lab has unique projects. These projects may include:

  • Answering questions

  • Internet quizzes

  • Virtual labs and questions

  • Data collection

  • Data analysis

  • Conclusions

  • Presentation of data in tables and graphs

  • Sketches and identifications

The following list are the criteria involved in correcting the lab reports. Be very sure that you read and understand the grading criteria.

*Answers to questions should be in complete sentences when appropriate
*Multiple choice answers can be listed using letters to indicate your answers
*Tables and graphs need to be properly labeled and complete
*Conclusions and data analysis should be in paragraph form
*Sketches and identifications need to be complete and legible
*Sketches may only be performed using the FORMS that are provided as links in the lab (Sketches submitted on blank sheets of paper or on lined paper will not be accepted)
*Sketches do not have to be works of art, but need to be accurate and legible
*Sketches and drawings must be drawn free hand (Sketches that are traced or copy and pasted from another source will not be accepted)
*Do not just copy the image on a copy machine and label it or print the image off from a computer
*Lab pages need to be in the order as listed and directed in each of the labs
*Labs must include a cover page and must be stapled

Lab reports consist of answers to assigned questions, sketches and tables for each lab. Our preference is that you send your lab report to us by US mail. You can find the Instructor's address at the bottom of this page to send the lab report to us. Your lab report will be considered submitted on the postage date on your mailing flat. The lab does not need to be in our hands by the due date it needs only to have been sent by the due date. Another option is to submit your labs using the drop box option in D2L. If you choose to use this option be very sure you send an email to the instructor that you have submitted the lab in that method. The instructor's preference is that you send the labs by US mail. Lab reports submitted electronically must be submitted in an organized manner and labeled properly. You will still need a cover page with your lab report even though the submission is electronic. Lab reports cannot be submitted electronically as multiple files. You must submit the lab report as a single file to the drop box. We will not accept multiple file submissions. If merging your files is an issue for you, then you will need to submit your lab by US mail.

1) Answers to questions can be handwritten or typed.
2) Your answers should be in complete sentences when appropriate. All questions asked must be answered.
3) Sketches must be legible and accurate.
4) Sketches submitted that are not sketched or drawn will not be accepted. Do not submit lab reports with photocopied copies of drawings. You must do the best you can by drawing or sketching them out by hand.
5) Sketches must be properly labeled as per instructions with each lab. Lab reports not deemed as college level works by the instructor will not be accepted.
6) Data tables and charts must be complete and accurate.
7) Lab Reports need to be sent to the instructor in their entirety as a lab. Do not submit the drawings and questions separately or submit parts of the lab at different times.
8) The Lab Reports must be stapled. Points will be deducted for lab reports submitted that are not stapled.
9) When mailing your lab, use a flat document envelope. Do not send your labs to us in a letter size envelope. Labs which have been folded will not be accepted.
10) Be very sure that you have included a cover page for the lab report. You can access and print off the cover page for each of the labs from the link given on the LAB INDEX page. Labs submitted without the cover page will be deducted in points.
11) You must use the cover pages provided in the lab. Do not make your own custom cover pages as your lab report will not be accepted. You can check your lab for completion by checking the boxes on the cover page for each of the labs.
12) All 12 labs must be completed in order to receive a grade for the course.

At the beginning of each lab there is listed what each lab will include. An example from Lab 1 is as follows:


1) Neuron Anatomy
2) Neuroglia Types
3) Spinal Cord Smear
4) Neuron Classification
5) Structure of a Nerve
6) Neuron Anatomy Quiz
7) Neuron Function
8) Questions

There is also a list under the heading "What Do I Need To Hand In With This Lab" which will indicate what you need to supply in your lab report. An example from Lab 1 is as follows:

What Do I Have To Hand In For This Lab


Myelinated Nerve Fiber
Neuroglia Types and Functions
Teased Nerve Smear
Types of Neuron Types
Nerve Structure Cross Section


List of answers to Neuron Anatomy Quiz
Answer questions 1-6 on Neuron Function

Lab #1 Cover Page

Under the CONTENTS you will find a list of links for all of the forms required for the lab you are working on. Be sure that you follow the instructions provided in accessing each of the forms. You will be required to use these forms when submitting your lab report.

Access each of the listed documents above and print them off. When you submit your lab report you will need to compile all of the documents listed above, stapled together in the order listed in the table above. Sketches must be performed free hand (not traced or copy and pasted). Sketches must be performed using the printed links as given above. You are not allowed to perform the sketches on blank sheets of paper or lined sheets of paper. Sketches performed without using these forms above will not be accepted.  You can use the MS WORD links to access the questions, tables and charts in order to input your values or answers electronically and then print them off when finished to include with your lab report. Alternatively you can print the questions, tables and charts forms out and input your values or answers by hand. The PDF file format will not allow you to input values or answers electronically. Please collate and order the pages in your lab report in the order they are listed in the table above. The cover page is only available using the PDF file format.

Your lab report should be sent to me by US mail when you are finished. My address is listed below.

Be very sure that you:

  1. Use a Lab report cover page for each lab completely filling out the information asked for on the Cover page. Labs submitted without this information or without a cover page will be deducted in points. Use the COVER PAGE INDEX to access  the cover pages for the labs. (You can print the cover page for each of the labs you submit). You must use the provided link to access each of the cover pages. Custom cover pages or past semester cover pages will not be accepted.

  2. Staple the report together (Send the lab in its entirety, do not send only parts of the lab).

  3. Mail the lab by US mail to my address listed below. You may also send the completed lab by Email attachment or by using the Digital Drop Box feature in D2L. If you submit by the Digital Drop Box, you need to contact the instructor that you have submitted the lab in this manner.

  4. When mailing your lab, use a flat document envelope. Do not send your labs to us in a letter size envelope. Labs which have been folded will not be accepted.

  5. Points will be deducted from your lab if they are not stapled together or if they are missing a lab report cover page.

Do not fall behind in the labs as doing many labs in a short time is very tough. You must keep on schedule. The date you write on the lab is the one I will go with when correcting the lab. You are on your honor as far as the completion date goes. The postmark date will verify your date on the lab if there are any questions. Lab due dates can be found in your SYLLABUS and in your ASSIGNMENT SHEET.

Terry Wiseth
Northland College
1101 Hwy One East
Thief River Falls MN 56701

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